Monday, January 18, 2010

10 Reason to Repair Bad Credit

Bad credit not only keeps you from getting a credit card or loan; it can leave you homeless, carless, and even worse, jobless. This is due to the fact that more and more businesses are using your credit to make decisions about you. If this isn't reason enough to get your credit in order here are 10 reasons why you should repair your credit.

1. Save money on interest Low credit scores mean you have higher interest rates and pay more on loan balances.

2. Lower insurance rates Your credit history affects what you pay on insurance premiums. This includes home, auto, and life insurance.

3. Stop paying high security deposits Phone companies and utility service providers check your credit before establishing service. They charge a deposit to offset the risk of default. Bad credit can often mean a hefty deposit amount.

4. Get a higher credit limit The more you pay bills on time; creditors will increase your credit limit. Before an increase though, they will check your credit.

5. Buy a new house Owning a home has always been the American Dream. Bad credit means a high interest rate that can often make a home unaffordable.

6. Rent an apartment Bad credit can not only keep you from buying a home, it can also keep you from renting an apartment. Landlords check credit to determine the probability that you'll be late on your rent.

7. Buy a new car Auto lenders are among the many businesses that often check your credit before lending to you.

8. Get a job Employers will check your credit before deciding to hire you. A bad credit history can cost you a job or a promotion.

9. Stop relying on co-signers When your credit is bad, you'll often need others to co-sign for credit cards and loans. This puts financial pressure on them and they don't receive any benefit.

10. Start your own business Starting a new business takes money, so to get your business off the ground many entrepreneurs often rely on small business loans. Bad credit can keep you from getting financing.

Country Moutain Coastal is a member of the Financial Empowerment Network Team and Prime Financial Credit Services
you can also visit creditfor more information on Country Moutain Coastal.

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